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“We are a group of volunteers working with Enfield Council to improve the Park's appearance, facilities, conservation value and safety, so that it can be enjoyed by all.”


A new identity for Friends of Broomfield Park,

Palmers Green, London

Friends of Broomfield Park approached Sq Design to re-design their branding. Our solution welcomes visitors to the new website with strong imagery of events alongside a user-friendly interface. The FoBP logo was created to stand out when used with strong colour backgrounds or complex photography.

Video's and historical images were used to promote the Park and help encourage volunteers for many park events throughout the year.


FoBP logo green

We have made a great start on our project to plant Broomfield Park with new trees. 

Because of your generous donations, over the past year volunteers have been able to plant 100 new trees and over 1000 native hedgerow ‘whips’. 

The tree planting project continues into further phases to maintain what has been achieved so far and to add to it with new planting in the near future.

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